Areas of Accreditation


Our areas of accreditation encompass 7 areas of standards. The 7 areas that EEB focuses on are Program Structure, Educational assessment, Staff and Academic Qualification, Recruitment Process and Entry Requirement and Quality, Campus Facilities, and Learning System

AREA 1: Program Structure

Area 1 focuses on the institutional program structure that constitutes the area of Learning Objectives, Learning Outcomes, Program Contents, Student Learning Time, References, and Program Credit Hours.

AREA 2: Educational Assessment

Area 2 focuses on total Students' Performance, evaluation of the Student’s Progress, analyse of the Students' and Stakeholders' Feedback, and improving the Responses Process. This assessment process will be able to identify the student's needs and interests and simultaneously promote the continuous improvement of the quality of the education system.

AREA 3: Staff and Academic Qualification

Area 3 focuses on the educator's competency in delivering knowledge to the students and promotes engagement among the educators by providing a platform to exchange knowledge and research among the industry players.

AREA 4: Recruitment Process and Entry Requirement

Area 4 focuses on the standard specified requirements that will evaluate student recruitment which include the student selection, the qualification entry, the equality of education system access and the appeal process.

Standard specified requirements designed within these demarcations: Academic - complete of/release from, any current training/education course.

Financial - Details of fees and estimated course costs from the institution will be delineated. Deadlines - After receiving all supporting documents by the submission deadline, then the application will be considered.

AREA 5: Quality, Campus Facilities, and Learning System

Area 5 is devoted to spreading the knowledge and forms to the education institution, accelerating the Institution’s Mission potential, and growing the future of the institution's capability. This area of assessment will incorporate the need for innovative and adaptive Campus Management systems for the institutions

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